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There are various and different types of labs. These are the places where testing, analysis, R & D etc are being done. Various instruments & equipments used in the laboratories highly sensitive to moisture. These instruments could be mechanical/electrical/Electronics computer driven etc. Moisture may cause reading errors or incorrect readings, inaccuracy in readings and can cause corrosion which could be both organic and inorganic. Moisture also decreases the life of such equipments & instruments. Even breakdowns are reported to be much frequently.

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The various labs are:
Physics labs
Chemical Labs
Instruments labs
Laser eye surgery
CT scan
MRI labs
Clinical research labs
Medical labs
Pharmaceuticals labs
Spectrometers Labs
Electronics & Electrical labs
Nuclear labs etc


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Generally only temperature is controlled in labs, Temperature alone is not sufficient to protect equipments & Humidity control is equally or more important. During off periods after A/C is shut down often condensation occurs which starts the corrosion process of the instruments or equipments and moisture may also results to their failure. These equipments/instruments are expensive and maintenance is also expensive, failures results to downtime and production or revenue loss.
Laboratories along with temperature control should have humidity control. The laboratories generally requires temperature in the range of 22° C ~ 25° C whereas humidity is required between 30% to 45% RH.
With the help of chemical dehumidifier the humidity can be controlled to the desired levels inside the laboratories. Dehumidifiers can be installed as stand alone or in combination of inbuilt AHU for temperature control, if required


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